Travel Dog Blog

The Thing about Travel Dog

When I started the Travel Dog Blog, my intention was to write them all myself. However, completely unprompted, one of my lovely clients, Christina Simons, owner of New Forest Hotel Cottage Lodge sent the below as my first ‘guest blog’.

The Thing about Travel Dog
PR is a funny thing. It can’t be measured accurately. You […]

The ‘C’ Word

I was torn between calling this blog the ‘C’ word, for ‘cruising’, or the ‘P’ word, for ‘preconceived’. Naturally I went for the ‘C’ word because I wanted your attention!

In fact they go hand in hand as the ‘P’ word is what prevents people from trying something – like the ‘C’ word – that they have already decided they won’t […]

Is Going on Holiday a Safety Risk?

How much thought do you give to personal safety before making a holiday booking? Probably not a lot. But accidents happen …

One of the earliest examples of holiday disasters was probably the RMS Titanic. Billed as unsinkable, I doubt the idea of it sinking crossed a single passenger’s mind. But it did.

Wind the clock forward exactly 100 years to 2012: […]

What is Bad PR?

Having been in the PR industry for over 25 years, I like to think that I know my stuff but I am still amazed at some of the things that I see other PRs doing.

I don’t know whether it is because they don’t know, or don’t care.

For example, I have worked with lots of people who are simply not interested […]